You are not a single parent if…

Some people talk a lot of rubbish, and then there are the people who talk complete and utter crap. No-one talks more crap than parents and people on the subject of parenting, but it really seems (to me) that the subject of single-parenting attracts more than its fair share of crap talk. I am, of course, referring to the people who say stuff like this epic quote from a parent on The Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada facebook page: tdp

Go ahead, read it again. This parent, of whom I have granted the dignity of anonymity, actually says she’d technically  be a single mom if her husband chose not to go to the aquarium with her. No, really! She really said that. Now, you can find her (and many more foolios like her) if you go to the The Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada facebook page and read the teacher appreciation night post – there, you’ll find everyone bemoaning the fact that they’re not getting teacher discount and completely missing the entire point of a teacher appreciation night. (Which, FYI, is to encourage teachers to bring their classes there for field trips and increase aquarium revenue. Ching! Ching!)

So, for all of you who don’t already know, YOU ARE NOT A SINGLE PARENT IF…

  1. Your husband choses not to go to the aquarium with you.

I can’t believe I even needed to write this.

My brilliant defintion of a single parent is right here.

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